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Comunicación Alestis Aerospace

Alestis achieves the Family Responsible Company certificate

Updated: May 26, 2022

After a year of intense work of reorganization and communication of all the measures in force in Alestis in the matter of Conciliation, our Company has obtained the certification of Family-Responsible Company, a management model promoted by the MásFamilia Foundation and based on continuous improvement, which Today they hold more than 700 companies internationally.

The award ceremony for the EFR certification took place yesterday at the Central Offices of Alestis in Seville and the Director of the MásFamilia Foundation, was in charge of delivering the award. In his words, “this certification was in recognition of the commitment that Alestis maintains with the harmonization of the professional and family life of all the people that comprise it, as well as the desire to advance in the adoption of conciliation measures, development of people and diversity management”.

On the path to this certification, whose audit has been undertaken by AENOR, we start from a diagnosis of the current situation of Alestis, through surveys and interviews with employees and the development of multidisciplinary focus groups, made up of colleagues from all the work centers.

Once the diagnosis is known, we plan and design an action plan. At this point, the enormous work that, for years, has been carried out in Alestis in the field of Conciliation, became visible, since the measures collected to pass the audit were already implemented in our organization. Therefore, the work focused on ordering the existing conciliation policy package and adapting its elements to manage them optimally.

Has been our broad concept of conciliation, which has allowed us prior to the audit, to value the measures developed in different areas: employment quality, temporal and spatial flexibility, support for the family of employees, development personal and professional of these, equal opportunities and leadership. Today we can affirm that we are a Family Responsible Company. This has been possible thanks to the collaboration of all the Company's employees, the support and involvement of the Alestis Management and the promotion of the project by the HR area. Bet on these initiatives represent a step forward in our commitment to people.



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